Gangryong Talchum in Hwanghae-do is known as widely as Bongsan Talchum. Compared to Bongsan, it is soft and delicate. When Kim Geum-ok, a famous giseng just after the Japanese annexation of Korea, returned to her native town, Gangryeong, a troupe of mask dancers, who had been led by Tongin Office of Haeju Local Government, was disbanded, and some of them came to Gangryeong following Kim Geum-ok and performed mask plays. Fortunately, they were supported by musicians employed by the government, and because there was a village of artists in Gancheon-ri at a distance of 4 km they could invite musicians for their mask dancing.
On the Dano Festival every year, Haeju Local Government held a Heaseo Talchum competition and awarded a prize to the best troupe. Contemporary masks used in Gangryong Talchum have many lumps on the face and the eyes are swollen, and the number of masks used is 21.