African Art

African art has developed centering on tropical rain forests and savanna forestry areas. These areas are largely grouped into 'the Sudan Circle' centering on Guinea Bay, and 'the Congo Circle' between the Atlantic Ocean to the east and southeast and the East African Lake. African art is closely related to religions and magic. It is not separated from everyday life, but plays functions in it. Masks were used in rituals praying for rich harvests, coming-of-age ceremonies (entrance ceremonies), funeral services, the worship of the ancestor, disease-healing rituals, wars, naming ceremonies (for new-born babies), wedding ceremonies, etc.
African art has been loved by many people, because of its dynamic features, astonishing geometric shapes, and the power of conjuring up spirits. Its influence on Western art in the 21st century is immeasurable. It affected Picasso, Matisse, Brancusi, Klee, etc., and gave various imaginations and inspirations to many.